First, I use DSGET or LDIFDE export the members of the Distribution List to a TXT file and then import it to a Table in Access. It should look like this. (Figure 1)
Figure 1
Then I have included this piece of program in a module.(Sorry about the indenting. It does not work very well here.)
Sub dlmigration()
Dim fs
Dim fsOut
Dim i
Dim strFile
Dim oAccount
Dim arrFields
Dim strFull
Dim strLocation
Dim strUserName
Dim intLocationLength
Dim dbs As Database
Dim strLDAP
Dim intNameLength
Dim strOutputName
Dim Output
Dim rsQuerySQL As Recordset
Dim adQuerySQL
Set dbs = CurrentDb
adQuerySQL = "Select * From WildlifeDL"
Set rsQuerySQL = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(adQuerySQL, dbOpenDynaset)
strFile = "c:\temp\outdata.txt"
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fsOut = fs.OpenTextFile(strFile, ForWriting, True)
Do Until rsQuerySQL.EOF Or rsQuerySQL.BOF
strFull = rsQuerySQL("Name")
arrFields = Split(strFull, ",")
strUserName = arrFields(0)
intNameLength = Len(strUserName)
intNameLength = intNameLength - 4
strOutputName = Right(strUserName, intNameLength)
For i = 1 To UBound(arrFields)
strLocation = strLocation & arrFields(i) & ","
intLocationLength = Len(strLocation)
intLocationLength = intLocationLength - 1
strLocation = Left(strLocation, intLocationLength)
strLDAP = strUserName & "," & strLocation
Set oAccount = GetObject("LDAP://" & strLDAP & "")
Output = strOutputName & ": " & oAccount.EmailAddress
fsOut.WriteLine (Output)
strUserName = ""
strLocation = ""
On Error Resume Next
Set rsQuerySQL = Nothing
End Sub
Then I get this output TXT file. (Figure 2)
Figure 2
It has saved me a lot of hair tearing time.
Even I can not understand...
Hi anonymous,
Which part do you not understand?
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